Friday, January 23, 2009

A Penny for Your Thoughts

Today ended up being a wonderfully light day. For most of the time there were only Josephine, Iain, and Ria. Since I’ve taken care of Iain and Ria from before the family child care was in operation, it was sort of a lovely return to the olden days and a chance for Iain and Jo to play one-on-one. Iain wasn't interested in the projects, but in the mail that day I’d gotten an advertising flyer that had a bunch of pennies printed on one side. As I was about to drop it into the trash, I suddenly saw how cool it would be to a 6-year-old and saved it for Josephine. Well, I showed her and Iain how they could use the large circle punch to cut out the pennies, and they spent an amazingly long amount of time working on making their pennies. It was a wonderful day to end a wonderful week.

1 comment:

Mona said...

YAY! my kids made it onto the re-invigorated blog!