Saturday, December 09, 2006

My Family Child Care License Application was accepted!

I've been working quite extensively for the past three months to get things started with setting up my own family child care. A couple of weeks ago I sent off my application for the license, and just yesterday I got the letter in the mail accepting my application and giving me the go ahead to continue the process. All we have left is fingerprinting and a home site visit.

I cannot begin to express how excited I am about this new venture. I've been practicing in-home childcare for the past two years, but now I really have a chance to expand this. I previously lived in an apartment, and because of licensing regulations (pools must have five foot fences around them), I was ineligible for a license. Without a license, one can still practice in-home care, but only for children from one family. But now we have moved to a house, with a large backyard full of potential (and no pool!). I can now take care of multiple children, something I've wanted to do for a few years now.

What I am especially excited about is taking care of school-aged children. I think this is such an exciting time of childhood, with limitless possibilities. It is, according to Erik Erikson, the time of initiative and industry.

So now I'm starting this blog to document the process I will be going through in setting up my family child care. As I have been working on this for a few months now, I will have to go back and explain what I have done and how I got to this point in the process. But that will have to happen another day. For now I have my facility number in my hand, and much work to do.

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