There was no school today, so we had all day to play. We had Josephine (my daughter) here, of course, as well as Iain in the afternoon, but we also had two sets of siblings: Georgia and Jack, as well as Eden and Gabriel.
Gabriel was very pleased to discover a play kitchen within the real kitchen, and he set right to work ironing. I don't know what inspired him to add in the ear protection, but he looks very intent, eh?

So the most exciting part of the day was when we took the brand new Slip 'N Slide out of the package and set it up. It's a special "junior" version of Slip 'N Slide designed for younger children. It has a much shorter runway, and then the first part of the landing strip is inflated, for a softer landing. I was worried about things getting chaotic with wet children running all around the backyard, so I asked them to line up on the steps and take turns one at a time. They were amazingly wonderful. Each child stayed on his/her step and moved to the next step after each turn was taken. Never did we have a collision or any squabbles about turns.
Don't they look angelic? This is the second photo I took--when they realized I was taking pictures, they posed for me.