Tuesday, August 28, 2007

New Faces . . . and New Friends

This morning we had a new friend join us, Diego, who is also in Josephine's kindergarten class. After getting settled, Diego set up his lima beans in a cup.

Next he watered the beans. It'll be interesting to compare the growth of his beans to the ones planted just four days ago, which are already quite far along.

In the afternoon, we had quite a full house. Eden actually started yesterday, but I forgot to take pictures the entire day. We also were joined by siblings Katie and Ryan today.

Here Eden is hard at work on a diorama. Over the weekend she returned from a trip to the Pacific Northwest, which made a big impression on her. She set up several "trees" at first, sort of a forest, and then asked how she could create a volcano. After much thought, we gave tinfoil a try, and hence we created a new popular medium (they asked to have the tinfoil out the next day as well).

Her diorama is eponymously titled Mt. Eden. Of special note here are the pieces taped down. They have been leveled by past volcanic eruptions.

Perhaps this shows it better . . .

Katie, another one of our resident artists, is hard at work.

Orianna worked very diligently on her artwork. Inspired by Katie, Orianna decided to try the new medium, tinfoil, in a more two dimensional form, as a sort of frame for her drawing. She carefully cut out all four strips to make the edges.

And, voilĂ !
As there was a meeting at school this evening, Josephine, Eden, and Orianna enjoyed a pleasant dinner together outdoors before heading back to school

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