Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Second Day . . .

Day two, and all is well! Again Orianna and Josephine were so involved in their play that I had to "interrupt" them for a project. But they were extremely enthusiastic and worked intently on decorating their terra cotta pots.

Here is Orianna at work . . .

Orianna's pots:

Josephine's pots:

This one, by Josephine, is especially wonderful, as it truly is evidence of her love of process. She was "playing" with the pen, and got a big glob of paint on the pot, and then asked for a paper towel to wipe it off. That, of course, only smeared the paint around, at which she exclaimed, "Oh, I meant to do that! I'm going to do it some more!" Here is her finished masterpiece:

Each girl made two pots, so one we are going to save for our upcoming lima bean growing experiment, and the other can be for whatever they would like.

1 comment:

Mona said...

hi Rachel!

starting this post, your photos have a large size that can be zoomed up! just in case you didn't know
