Thursday, December 13, 2007


A couple weeks ago I made a little jultomte (Swedish for a sort of Christmas elf) out of pipecleaners, red yarn, a doll bead head, and felt for the hat. I showed the kids, and they really wanted to make their own. For over a week they've been asking me to show them how, so today, being that it is a nice long afternoon (Thursdays school gets out earlier), I took out the materials and showed them what to do. All of the older kids quickly decided that it was simply too much work and went off to play elsewhere. But surprisingly, the kinders all stuck around and focused hard on the task at hand. It wasn't easy wrapping all the pipecleaner limbs with yards and yards of yarn, but each one of them fastidiously worked away.




Afterwards I set the three little jultomtar in the Christmas tree for a photo shoot, but Holger tried to steal the limelight . . .

Here are the wonderful little dolls that they worked so hard at.

Left to right: Holger's, Josephine's, Orianna's

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