Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Mud, Glorious Mud!

Ah, California winter is really here now. That means rainy days, wet ground, but very moderate temperatures allowing children to enjoy the feeling of wet mud on their bare toes. This morning the kids had a great deal of fun in the backyard enjoying the light sprinkling rain on their faces and the mud on their feet. I love this photo of Georgia and Josephine. If I ever get around to putting up a photo collage as I've intended, this will definitely be up there.

When it was time to take off for school, I herded the children around through the side yard and out to the front. There lay towels to dry off their feet and all their shoes.

In the afternoon we had a new addition to the Children's Garden . . . Emma! Here Emma and Katie are creating a life-sized portrait of Emma as Orianna (or is it Snow White?) looks on.

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