Friday, December 21, 2007

No School -- Cuesta Park

Today is officially the first day of the school's winter break, and our last day of Children's Garden of 2007. We decided to all walk together to Cuesta Park. Here is everyone before the walk (Anna, Eden, Ryan, Lucas, Holger, Gabriel, and Katie):

It was soooooooooooooooo exciting tromping through all the many piles of leaves on the way to the park.

At the park, brother and sister Gabriel and Eden do some spinning together.

Katie and Eden on the suspension bridge . . .

Anna climbing . . .

Katie, Holger, and Anna

Anna is a very strong little girl!

Here Ryan, Lucas, and Iain enjoy a moment atop the climbing structure . . .

. . . and are then joined by Gabriel . . .

. . . and then Holger!

Meanwhile, the girls )Anna, Eden, and Katie) are on the other half of the structure.

And now the whole gang is together.

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