Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day . . . at Lowe's

We've been so busy here lately that I haven't had time to sit down and add to the blog. This morning I woke up before everyone else and decided to get caught up. This is going to be a lot of work, as I am four weeks behind and just weeded the pictures down to 152!!! I guess some more weeding is in my near future.

Anyhow, let's start at the very beginning, as Julie Andrews would so beautifully say . . .

My Mother's Day this year was spent in the most unlikely of places . . . a Lowe's hardware store. But it was one of the best gifts I could have gotten, because we spent the majority of the day buying lumber to begin the playhouse for the garden.

Here's Josephine sitting atop just one of our carts full of lumber as we wait for the rental truck.

The rental truck was a very exciting adventure for Josephine.

Jo was very helpful at unloading the truck.

Pappa and Jo pose after unloading the truck.

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