Friday, September 21, 2007

Pirate Parades and Gender Wars

Today in Josephine’s kindergarten class they had Pirate Day. Though this is a school event and not part of my “family child care,” I’m including pictures, as there are a few kids in her class who are also in my afterschool program.

The fun began with a parade, in which the children emerged from the classroom as all us parents stood around taking pictures. Here we see Georgia on the far left, Orianna on the far right, and the tall one is Ms. Bonnie, their teacher.

Josephine and Claire

They all stopped and broke into a rollicking pirate song . . . “There were no pirates upon the ship. Hey, ho, argh! Then one pirate got on the ship. Hey, ho, argh!”

They then marched off and into the office, where they sang the song there for the principal and office staff.

Josephine, with a pirate bandaid mustache


They then continued on to Mr. A’s 4th grade class and sang the song yet again. This class also happens to be Katie’s class, so here’s a picture of Katie watching the show.

Josephine waving to the camera

Georgia waving to the camera

Georgia, Claire, and Josephine

In the afternoon, I served snack to Jack and Iain in the playhouse and asked the girls to let them be alone. Iain had had a rough dropoff, and I really wanted to give him a little quiet boy-bonding time with Jack.

Little did I know, I was actually starting a gender war. The girls were indignant about being excluded, and in no time they had signs up on the house.

I was beginning to get a little worried about how things were escalating, but then once the boys saw the signs, they said they wanted some too. Surprisingly, the girls were more than eager to help out, and they themselves wrote and hung the signs. They then proceeded to decorate the playhouse with stuffed toy animals for the boys. Apparently there wasn’t too much animosity. Later on, Josephine even switched sides and played outside with the boys while Georgia and Eden stayed inside.

Later on, Georgia had her turn at trying out the melted wax drawing.

Here is Georgia’s drawing:

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