Monday, September 10, 2007

Kitty Cats and Witches

We had a new friend, Marie, join us today. Marie didn't exactly want to be a fairy or a princess, like Josephine and Eden, but when I showed her all the other costumes, she happily chose to be a cat. The most wonderful thing about this is that she inspired Iain, of all people, to be a cat as well. Iain told me in his very softest voice possible, "I want to be a cat, too." I could hardly believe my ears. I've taken care of Iain for 3 of his 4 years, and he does not usually dress up or join in dramatic play. He does do dramatic play, but always it is his own play which he creates. He does not generally follow along with another's play. So I knew I had to take advantage of this moment and get a cat costume on that child immediately, before he changed his mind. He gladly accepted the fur vest and the tail, but did not want any mask or headband on his head. He then spent the rest of the afternoon crawling around and saying, "Meow." Yippee!!!!!

Marie and Iain, two kitty cats:

Eden joins Iain the cat for a photo:

At some point the children imagined that a witch was after them, and that she was unable to see the color black, so they would all be safe as long as they were dressed in black. Once they were all properly clad, they headed outside to the swingset.

1 comment:

Mona said...

oh, what LOVELY photos of the Iain-kitty! nowadays he's more often surly, and only infrequently with that innocently happy face on him, so its lovely to see him so sweet looking.