Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Hullabaloo, Booster for Iain, and Refugee Ants

For Iain's birthday he received the very entertaining game Hullabaloo. He brought it over to share with us this morning, which was loads of fun. Josephine, Iain, and Georgia played while Diego cautiously observed from the livingroom . . .

Georgia sits on a green spot, as instructed in the game.

Everyone find a red spot!

Now everyone is on blue!

Georgia's victory dance:

After the game, the boys went off to play legos . . .

. . . and the girls headed out to the swingset.

As Iain is now officially four years old, he sat for the very first time ever in a booster seat today on the way to school, a moment he was very proud of. The reason for the very odd expression on his face is that nowadays that's what you get when you ask Iain to smile.

In the afternoon I was watering the flower beds in the chilren's garden when Orianna discovered a whole bunch of ants "carrying white things." We went to observe, and found that our watering had disrupted an ant colony, which was now carrying its eggs to safe dry ground.

It's very difficult to get a picture of tiny ants carrying tiny eggs, so here is one where the background is black and white, and there is color around just the ants, to make them more visible.

And here's one of the ant refugees carrying an egg. The resolution isn't very good, as this is a tiny detail from a larger photo, but you can still see the ant and its egg load fairly well.

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