First I must explain how I got so far behind in my blog posts, which I am now trying to remedy. I do all my posting on weekends, and the first weekend of November, we went out of town, so that put me a week behind. The very next weekend, we had company from out of town staying with us, so that put me even further behind. Then, to make matters oh-so-very-much worse, my digital camera simply stopped working. Fortunately one of the parents has since allowed me to borrow her camera until we find a replacement (my hubby is an electrical engineer who cannot simply buy a new camera, but instead has quite the checklist of requirements and must thoroughly research products first). So last weekend, my first "free" weekend, I spent my time emptying out the memory card of the broken camera (200+ photos on it!!!) and then uploading pictures from the borrowed camera. Now it's time to catch up on the blog . . .
Quite a change from my usual school-aged-children-in-the-afternoon scenario, Mondays now consists of two one-year-olds: David and Ria. David's mother is working in her daughter's kindergarten classroom (which is also my daughter's class), and Ria's mother is working in her son's preschool class, which happens to be the same one my daughter was in last year.

In the afternoon we were back to school-aged kids. Here are Marie, Josephine, Lucas (no longer scowling into the camera), and Anna working on a very long sheet of paper.